PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game launches to generating stable revenue year around driven by live services. Diversification across geographies, game platforms, game genres and player demographics further adds to the stability of the model.
PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game
PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game launches to generating stable revenue year around driven by live services. Diversification across geographies, game platforms, game genres and player demographics further adds to the stability of the model.
PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game

Just Skate
The exclusive NEW skateboard game from Canvas Games. Choose your favorite Justin Bieber and just skate! Olly through various themed levels, earn coins, WIN WEEKLY PRIZES and gain momentum while your favorite JB songs play. From Stratford to Atlanta to LA, see if YOU'RE up for the challenge!
Just Skate
Tabasco Games, PM Studios
Canvas Games, PM Studios
Apr. 26, 2018