/* * Plugin: ageCheck.js * Description: A simple plugin to verify user's age. * Uses sessionStorage/localStorage API to store if user is verified. * Options can be passed for easy customization. * Author: Michael Soriano * Author's website: http://michaelsoriano.com * */ (function ($) { $.ageCheck = function (options) { const settings = $.extend({ minAge: 21, redirectTo: '', redirectOnFail: '', title: 'Age Verification', copy: 'This Website requires you to be [21] years or older to enter. Please enter your Date of Birth in the fields below in order to continue:', success: null, successMsg: { header: 'Success!', body: 'You are now being redirected back to the application...' }, underAgeMsg: 'Sorry, you are not old enough to view this site...', underAge: null, errorMsg: { invalidDay: 'Day is invalid or empty', invalidYear: 'Year is invalid or empty' }, storage: 'sessionStorage', storageExpires: null, }, options); var storage = window[settings.storage]; const _this = { month: '', day: '', year: '', age: '', errors: [], setValues() { const month = $('.ac-container .month').val(); const day = $('.ac-container .day').val(); _this.month = month; _this.day = day.replace(/^0+/, ''); // remove leading zero _this.year = $('.ac-container .year').val(); }, validate() { _this.errors = []; if (/^([0-9]|[12]\d|3[0-1])$/.test(_this.day) === false) { _this.errors.push(settings.errorMsg.invalidDay); } if (/^(19|20)\d{2}$/.test(_this.year) === false) { _this.errors.push(settings.errorMsg.invalidYear); } _this.clearErrors(); _this.displayErrors(); return _this.errors.length < 1; }, clearErrors() { $('.errors').html(''); }, displayErrors() { let html = ''; setTimeout(() => { $('.ac-container .errors').html(html); }, 200); }, reCenter(b) { b.css('top', `${Math.max(0, (($(window).height() - (b.outerHeight() + 150)) / 2))}px`); b.css('left', `${Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - b.outerWidth()) / 2))}px`); }, buildHtml() { const copy = settings.copy; const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; let html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += `


`; html += `

${copy.replace('[21]', `${settings.minAge}`)}` + '

'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
'; $('body').append(html); $('.ac-overlay').animate({ opacity: 0.8, }, 500, () => { _this.reCenter($('.ac-container')); $('.ac-container').css({ opacity: 1, }); }); $('.ac-container .day, .ac-container .year').focus(function () { $(this).removeAttr('placeholder'); }); }, setAge() { _this.age = ''; const birthday = new Date(_this.year, _this.month, _this.day); const ageDifMs = Date.now() - birthday.getTime(); const ageDate = new Date(ageDifMs); // miliseconds from epoch _this.age = Math.abs(ageDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1970); }, getStorage() { if(settings.storage === 'cookie') { return document.cookie.split(';').filter((item) => item.trim().startsWith('ageVerified=')).length; } else { return storage.getItem('ageVerified') === 'true'; } }, setStorage(key, val, expires) { try { if(settings.storage === 'cookie') { if(expires) { let date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = "ageVerified=true; expires=" + expires + ";"; } else { storage.setItem(key, val); } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }, handleSuccess() { const successMsg = `



`; $('.ac-container').html(successMsg); setTimeout(() => { $('.ac-container').animate({ top: '-350px', }, 200, () => { $('.ac-overlay').animate({ opacity: '0', }, 500, () => { if (settings.redirectTo !== '') { window.location.replace(settings.redirectTo); } else { $('.ac-overlay, .ac-container').remove(); if (settings.success) { settings.success(); } } }); }); }, 2000); }, handleUnderAge() { const underAgeMsg = `


`; $('.ac-container').html(underAgeMsg); if (settings.redirectOnFail !== '') { setTimeout(() => { window.location.replace(settings.redirectOnFail); }, 2000); } if (settings.underAge) { settings.underAge(); } }, }; // end _this if (_this.getStorage()) { return false; } _this.buildHtml(); $('.ac-container button').on('click', () => { _this.setValues(); if (_this.validate() === true) { _this.setAge(); if (_this.age >= settings.minAge) { if (!_this.setStorage('ageVerified', 'true', settings.storageExpires)) { console.log(settings.storage + ' not supported by your browser'); } _this.handleSuccess(); } else { _this.handleUnderAge(); } } }); $(window).resize(() => { _this.reCenter($('.ac-container')); setTimeout(() => { _this.reCenter($('.ac-container')); }, 500); }); }; }(jQuery));
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The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa

Ringo Ishikawa is a gang leader but also a senior in High School, with day-to-day challenges and routines to follow. You have freedom in how you pass each day, and as time progresses a natural story plays out that is inspired by yakuza-delinquent aesthetics. This is a story about gangs, friendships and, most of all, about growing up.

You can pick fights with other gangs and master the game’s mechanics, utilising punches, kicks and grapples while levelling up Ringo and his gang members. You can go shopping, hang out at a burger restaurant or café, head to the bar, or even get a job to earn money for food, activities, a TV and other goodies that unlock minigames. On top of that you have classes and homework to consider, as you can strive for top grades or play truant. Above all of this, the story of Ringo Ishikawa plays out for you to experience.


The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa


RPG, Action, Adventure




PM Studios, Circle Entertainment


Jun. 26, 2020

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