/* * Plugin: ageCheck.js * Description: A simple plugin to verify user's age. * Uses sessionStorage/localStorage API to store if user is verified. * Options can be passed for easy customization. * Author: Michael Soriano * Author's website: http://michaelsoriano.com * */ (function ($) { $.ageCheck = function (options) { const settings = $.extend({ minAge: 21, redirectTo: '', redirectOnFail: '', title: 'Age Verification', copy: 'This Website requires you to be [21] years or older to enter. Please enter your Date of Birth in the fields below in order to continue:', success: null, successMsg: { header: 'Success!', body: 'You are now being redirected back to the application...' }, underAgeMsg: 'Sorry, you are not old enough to view this site...', underAge: null, errorMsg: { invalidDay: 'Day is invalid or empty', invalidYear: 'Year is invalid or empty' }, storage: 'sessionStorage', storageExpires: null, }, options); var storage = window[settings.storage]; const _this = { month: '', day: '', year: '', age: '', errors: [], setValues() { const month = $('.ac-container .month').val(); const day = $('.ac-container .day').val(); _this.month = month; _this.day = day.replace(/^0+/, ''); // remove leading zero _this.year = $('.ac-container .year').val(); }, validate() { _this.errors = []; if (/^([0-9]|[12]\d|3[0-1])$/.test(_this.day) === false) { _this.errors.push(settings.errorMsg.invalidDay); } if (/^(19|20)\d{2}$/.test(_this.year) === false) { _this.errors.push(settings.errorMsg.invalidYear); } _this.clearErrors(); _this.displayErrors(); return _this.errors.length < 1; }, clearErrors() { $('.errors').html(''); }, displayErrors() { let html = ''; setTimeout(() => { $('.ac-container .errors').html(html); }, 200); }, reCenter(b) { b.css('top', `${Math.max(0, (($(window).height() - (b.outerHeight() + 150)) / 2))}px`); b.css('left', `${Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - b.outerWidth()) / 2))}px`); }, buildHtml() { const copy = settings.copy; const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; let html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += `


`; html += `

${copy.replace('[21]', `${settings.minAge}`)}` + '

'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
'; $('body').append(html); $('.ac-overlay').animate({ opacity: 0.8, }, 500, () => { _this.reCenter($('.ac-container')); $('.ac-container').css({ opacity: 1, }); }); $('.ac-container .day, .ac-container .year').focus(function () { $(this).removeAttr('placeholder'); }); }, setAge() { _this.age = ''; const birthday = new Date(_this.year, _this.month, _this.day); const ageDifMs = Date.now() - birthday.getTime(); const ageDate = new Date(ageDifMs); // miliseconds from epoch _this.age = Math.abs(ageDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1970); }, getStorage() { if(settings.storage === 'cookie') { return document.cookie.split(';').filter((item) => item.trim().startsWith('ageVerified=')).length; } else { return storage.getItem('ageVerified') === 'true'; } }, setStorage(key, val, expires) { try { if(settings.storage === 'cookie') { if(expires) { let date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = "ageVerified=true; expires=" + expires + ";"; } else { storage.setItem(key, val); } return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }, handleSuccess() { const successMsg = `



`; $('.ac-container').html(successMsg); setTimeout(() => { $('.ac-container').animate({ top: '-350px', }, 200, () => { $('.ac-overlay').animate({ opacity: '0', }, 500, () => { if (settings.redirectTo !== '') { window.location.replace(settings.redirectTo); } else { $('.ac-overlay, .ac-container').remove(); if (settings.success) { settings.success(); } } }); }); }, 2000); }, handleUnderAge() { const underAgeMsg = `


`; $('.ac-container').html(underAgeMsg); if (settings.redirectOnFail !== '') { setTimeout(() => { window.location.replace(settings.redirectOnFail); }, 2000); } if (settings.underAge) { settings.underAge(); } }, }; // end _this if (_this.getStorage()) { return false; } _this.buildHtml(); $('.ac-container button').on('click', () => { _this.setValues(); if (_this.validate() === true) { _this.setAge(); if (_this.age >= settings.minAge) { if (!_this.setStorage('ageVerified', 'true', settings.storageExpires)) { console.log(settings.storage + ' not supported by your browser'); } _this.handleSuccess(); } else { _this.handleUnderAge(); } } }); $(window).resize(() => { _this.reCenter($('.ac-container')); setTimeout(() => { _this.reCenter($('.ac-container')); }, 500); }); }; }(jQuery));
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My Time at Sandrock

Travel to the desert community of Sandrock and take on the role of a fledgling Builder. Use your trusty toolset to gather resources, construct machines, and turn your run-down workshop into a well-oiled production facility to save the town from the jaws of economic ruin!


My Time at Sandrock


Role-Playing, Action


Pathea Games


Pathea Games, PM Studios, DMM Games


2nd November 2023

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